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Color (Progression Day - Night)

        High Fly will focus highly on compositional value in order to support the small amount of dialogue within the film. Similar to the visual references below, framing will be used not only to direct the viewers attention to the subject, but also to increase the emotional connection with what is being shown. For example, medium and close shots of the character's mannerisms and expressions such as those during that main character's at-bats will heighten the audience's focus on the actions taking place. In addition, slow-motion will be used during the last scene when the ball is struck by the main character. The slow motion of the swing taking place and the character running the bases will increase the intensity of the moment. 

        Color plays an extremely important role in the creation of this film. The film itself takes places during a transition from evening to night. Therefore, the initial colors will be very warm and highlight the orange and red colors of late-day sun. The baseball game will quickly progress into the nighttime colors of more cool blues and whites. In order to supplement these two color palettes, the production will most likely utilize LED and Kino Flow light fixtures. The importance of these colors is in the transition. Going from warm color temperatures to cooler temperatures also works in coalition with the emotions of the main character. 

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